Gen AI content production participant questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed to gather your personal experiences, challenges, and goals related to Gen AI content production. Your feedback will help us tailor the pilot programme to meet your needs.

Gen AI Marketing Pilot - Individual Participant Questionnaire
1. What is your current experience with Gen AI tools for content creation? (Select all that apply)
2. What are the main challenges you personally face in content creation and production? (Select up to 3)
3. Which types of content are you most interested in generating with Gen AI? (Select all that apply)
4. Do you have any concerns about implementing Gen AI in your marketing processes? (Select all that apply)
5. Which of the following best describes your current content creation workflow? (Select all that apply)
6. Which specific marketing automations are you interested in exploring during the programme? (Select all that apply)
8. How much time do you spend on content-related tasks each week? Please also add the approximate % split below.